Thursday, April 19, 2012

I got "tagged" by Haley J

1. Post these rules
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them

11 Random Facts:

1. At the age of 22 I might still sleep with my baby blanket. My family constantly teases me and wonders what will happen with the blanket when I eventually get married.
2. I HATE it when someone says I can't do something. I will most likely go out and try to prove them wrong!
3. I love to dance! And I wish I was good at it! Lets just say it's fun!
4. "Minni" my nickname...when I was a freshman my dear friend Alyssa Lowry Poulson gave me this name, because it's short for my last name, and believe it or not I was really small. It has stuck ever since. And I would say 80% of people know me by this name and not my 'real' name. (I didn't get this name because I drive a Mini Cooper!)
5. My favorite number, like Haley J, is #12. I inherited this number from Alyssa, and have worn it and loved it ever since.
6. In my lifetime I would love to run a marathon and do a half triathlon. One day I WILL DO IT!
7. I have a ton of OCD tendencies...locking doors, doing laundry, cleaning, white things (especially shoes), schedules, etc.
8. I love sports. I cold play, watch, and talk about them all day/everyday!
9. I graduated in December 2011 in Psychology..."Psychology?" everyone will say with a puzzled look. I love to know what people are thinking or why they do what they do. It has always intrigued me.
10. I have played soccer for 18 years of my life, so ever since I was 4 years old. People ask if I miss it...I miss the girls and the team aspect of it. To be honest my body can't take another year of what is required. So next goal with soccer...COACHING!
11. "The best random fact..." I have the most AMAZING family and friends ever. They continually amaze me. My life is great and I contribute that to the people that I am surrounded by!

Questions that Haley J asked:

1. What is your favorite type of candy?
- I always have recess sticks or rolo's in my hand when going to get a treat! Don't forget about the drink to go along with it...Gatorade! Yum!
2. What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?
- I was always playing sports with the, basketball, baseball, hockey, jumping bikes...anything competitive I would do, but it wasn't fun and good unless I beat everyone!
3. Snowboard/ski?
- I love both! I haven't done either in a long time, but soccer just ended, so look out world I'm about to attempt everything I couldn't before.
4. If you had to pick one place to live for the rest of your life (besides where you are now) where would it be?
- Tough question! Uh up north close to my family...
5. Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
Tougher question but I would say right now my dad. I have always looked up to him. I am always seeking advice from him. He has one of the kindest hearts. And I am a daddy's girl what can I say!
6. What is your favorite nail color?
- Right now I like the brighter colors especially pink and purple.
7. Do you have any weird routines that you perform daily?
- I probably have a lot, but can't think right now. The only one that comes to mind is I double check EVERYTHING!
8. Are you petrified of something?
- I'm absolutely scared of sharks...ugh!
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
- Ryan Reynolds...funny and attractive
10. What is one thing you couldn't live with out?
- It's sad to blanket
11. What is your favorite thing to relax/de-stress?
- Sleep or play sports always takes my mind off of things!

Questions I ask my fellow taggers:

1. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Or would you keep it the same?
2. What is something that has happened in your life you never expected to happen?
3. What was you're best birthday?
4. What is your favorite Disney movie
5. What is your ideal day?
6. If you could meet anyone who would you meet?
7. What is something you don't have a problem spending $100.00 on?
8. Morning person or night person?
9. If you had 3 wishes what would they be?
10. Describe yourself in 3 words
11. What question would you want God to answer right now?

People I am tagging:
- Natalie Cude Drewery
- Linze Struiksma
- Jacie Cambra
- Lisa Minnick (start your blog haha)

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